Chris Pappas
Chris Pappas
Class of 2021 BEQ Pride LGBTQ Leader Under 40
U.S. House of Representatives
(He, Him) is 40
The first openly LGBTQ person elected to Congress from New Hampshire.
Chris Pappas is the first openly gay person to represent New Hampshire in Washington. Born and raised in Manchester, Pappas is a small business owner and community-minded leader who has the support of many other local business owners. As a Congressman, he has taken a principal role in addressing some of New Hampshire’s most pressing challenges such as creating new jobs, confronting the opioid crisis and ensuring the delivery of quality, affordable health care for every Granite Stater. Pappas is Co-Chair of the LGBT Equality Caucus and serves on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee as well as the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs where he is Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.