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Meet Jason Bergman

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Jason Bergman

Class of 2023 BEQ Pride LGBTQ Leader Under 40

Pronouns: He, Him

Age: 26


Who or what inspires your leadership purpose? And why?

The only reason I would want to be recognized is to help highlight some of the work and goals I have in assisting Democrats and especially LGBTQ+ community members in becoming elected officials to help represent the communities they live, work, and play in. Over the next decade, I hope the LGBTQ+ community can be recognized more as strong leaders. I hope to see an increase in LGBTQ representation across the nation in places like town councils, block associations, state legislatures and even an LGBTQ president. I think it’s something important we can all strive toward. ~Jason Bergman

Jason is a loyal friend with a deep-rooted commitment to the LGBTQ+ Community and its representation. He is the founder of The Hermes Group, a boutique political consulting firm in New Jersey focused on electing pro-LGBTQ+ democrats and increasing LGBTQ+ Community member representation in public office. Since 2016, Jason has been a voice tirelessly working for the visibility of LGBTQ+ people and causes. Jason’s work is strategic and future-focused by building a pipeline of LGBTQ+ leadership talent to run for public office throughout New Jersey. 

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