The worst thing in life to look back and say, “I should have”.
(Editor’s Note: The following narrative is in Jorge’s own words.)
Growing up a gay, Latino, Mormon in Texas was not easy. However, this experience of isolation and loneliness led me to focus my career on young people who, like me, did not have the support of family, religious institutions and communities. I was fortunate to be the first Executive Director & CEO of The Trevor Project and together with the support and help of an amazing board of directors, we were able to grow the organization to become the nation’s largest LGBTQ suicide prevention helpline for gay and questioning youth.
My passion for assisting young people continued when I became Executive Director & CEO of Point Foundation. With the help of some amazing board members, we grew the organization to become the nation’s largest scholarship-granting organization for LGBTQ students of merit.
Creating a legacy for the LGBTQ+ community is one that is shared with the hard-working individuals associated with both of these organizations – board members, staff, donors and volunteers. On a personal note, I never thought I’d see the day that I would be able to marry my life partner, but it happened and with that single event, my family relationship has been transformed to one of love and acceptance.
Any family legacy is one that time will tell as my nieces and nephew grow to become accepting of all individuals. Living authentically and bringing oneself fully to any situation is what drives me to continue fighting for full equality for our community. There is still much that must be accomplished, but I have great faith in our young leaders and know that the future will be a bright one for future generations.