Ashley Allen
Business Founder
Ashley Allen Class of 2020 BEQ Pride LGBTQ Leader Under 40
(They/Them) is 32
By 2030, ITequality’s innovative consulting and software solutions will provide 1000+ quality careers for displaced queer & POC talent, with enough profits to fuel a national nonprofit after school program for at-risk youth.
As the founder of ITequality, an LGBTBE®, Ashley Allen wanted to not only solve Salesforce challenges for businesses but to help move the diversity needle in the technology industry. They focus on hiring and bringing visibility to LGBT people.
Ashley identifies as gender nonbinary and they feel it is their duty to be an active voice for others who are in underrepresented groups in technology. As ITequality grew, Ashley hired individuals who identified as lesbian, Latinx, transgender, gender nonconforming or disabled as well as those individuals with anxiety or depression, and most with no background in technology. Their goal was to give those individuals a job paying well above minimum wage and provide them with training and mentorship as they worked to solve real-world business problems. Ashley has a great deal of pride in the fact that more than 50% of the members of the ITequality team are transgender and more than 50% are people of color. ITequality has become an inspiration in their ecosystem for equality in technology, so much so, that Ashley also consults with other companies on how they can better include & retain LGBTQ employees. They recently were asked to speak at Salesforce’s Dreamforce 2019 conference on the topic “Networking for Introverts”.
Ashley is an incredible leader and brings visibility wherever they go! Together with their amazing partner, Miranda Ragland (also a class of 2020 Leader Under 40), they routinely talk to their 3 children about LGBTQ+ issues.