Thomas Chernick
Nonprofit Community Builder
Thomas (TJ) Chernick
(He, Him) is 32
Thomas (TJ) Chernick is the director of the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce New York. Whether it is New York or the World, TJ shares his unique brand of inclusion for LGBT-owned business and economic empowerment. Having started his career in the international human rights sector, for the past decade TJ has built a career around the idea of elevating others, sharing stories and building communities. Whether coordinating human rights projects in Iraq or working directly with LGBT entrepreneurs, he has used his professional platform as a way to elevate marginalized groups.
TJ counts himself as very lucky to get to serve the LGBT community through his role as director of the nglccNY in such a unique way, by amplifying the voices of individuals reshaping the landscape of the US economy and redefining what it means to be an LGBT business owner.
TJ serves the organization and the overall community by increasing the visibility of supplier diversity throughout the country and the world.